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Webhooks integration (Make, Zapier…): ex Notion
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💻Template project: https://editor.voltapp.tech/template/qxe3RSxn
This Menu template allows you to discover how to manage a menu on your website (in the form of a horizontal list in the Desktop version) which will turn into a Burger menu in the Mobile version (an icon in the top left corner which when clicked opens a vertical list menu on one side of the screen).
You will see how to integrate new items into this Burger Menu by creating them ex nihilo in the Desktop version or by creating them by duplicating pre-existing nodes in the Mobile version.
⚠️ Before you start, remember to regularly switch to Preview mode to test your nodes to make sure all your changes have been taken into account and are working properly. ⚠️
The Screen Size node contains :
The Screen Size node contains :
To add an item in these Menus several steps are necessary: you have to create a new screen for each new item that you will create in parallel in the Mobile version, and in the Desktop version. You can add items by duplicating pre-existing nodes (see Mobile version) or by creating new nodes (see Desktop version).
Add a Screen node (e.g. Screen5) to the parent Screens node.
To find your way around this example, you can add a Text node in Screen5 and write "Screen5" for example**.**
Click on Variables, then currentScreen. In the right pane, click Add and name the variable Screen5.
Then click on the parent node Screens and switch to graph mode.
Add a Switch Screen action block, then click on it and select Screen5 in the screen settings of the right inspector.
Delete the Single selection switch block and recreate it: click on Blocks then Controls then Single selection switch.
Click on the newly created block, then in the right inspector, link the single selection to the currentScreen variable.
All entries corresponding to the different screens are created. Link them to the corresponding Change Screen blocks.
Duplicate the Screen4 text node and rename it Screen5.
Switch to graph mode, delete the define currentScreen block and recreate it: click on Blocks then Variables then currentScreen.
Click on the newly created block, then in the right inspector select Screen5.
Link the block to the define isMenuOpen block.
You can then change the style of your new element to match the others directly in the graph mode.
(You can of course duplicate a pre-existing node, like in the Mobile version. The point here is to show you how to create the element from scratch.)
Next you need to change the style of your new element so that it fits with the others.
Click on the Text node of your new element (Screen5). In the inspector on the right under Text you have the setting Disabled. Click on the link icon and select Convert to Formula.
Delete the value entered and replace it with : @currentScreen = 'Screen5'.
Then in Shape, change the font and color theme to match the other nodes. Disconnect the associated varibals and replace them with the appropriate variables: theme.textBold for the font, then theme.subForeground for the color.
Remember also to replace the color themes in the Flight mode: disconnect the associated variable and change it by theme.foreground; do the same thing for the Deactivated mode.
In the disabled mode, go to Style and reset the opacity to 100%.
You may want to add a different element to the Text node, such as a button, image or icon. We will see here as an example how to add an image to the Menu that will correspond to your profile picture and lead to your profile page.
Now that your image is well integrated in your Menu, you have to connect it to the Profile page that you have previously created.
Your new item is now correctly integrated in the Menu in the desktop version. You will now quickly integrate it in the mobile version.