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Voltapp Introduction


Discover Templates

Create your Airtable

Manage data with Airtable

Voltapp applications allow you to choose where your data goes, which is why it is important to create your own database, so that you always have control over it as you grow.

Voltapp templates are connected to sample databases. You will learn here how to create your own in a few clicks, copy the sample database within your own account.

If you want to learn how to master Airtable, see the tutorial Manage your data.

Airtable is the simplest free database out there, you don't need to be a developer and its table-like interface like Excel is very easy to access.

Airtable also has automations that allow you to create follow-up actions: to send emails, a chat message or an invitation to an event.

To create your Aitable account, here are the steps to follow:

Go to the website :


To create an account: Sign up for free. Register in the way that suits you.


Set up your account :


If you are registering from your email account, don't forget to check your email to validate the email sent by Airtable.

Your account has been created:


To create your first database, click on Start from scratch


And there you have it, you can rename everything, change everything. It's easy to get started. In concrete terms, your database has fields in columns (here: Name, Notes, Attachment) and records (or data) in rows. Each row corresponds to a specific piece of data. And you can import data (Excel, Google Sheets, Paste data, etc.).